icalendar - How to add event in native IOS Calendar -

i want open native ios calendar(ical) application , add event. there way can open calendar particular event?

i follow open iphone calendar app programmatically not yet succeeded.

see calendar , reminders programming guide. basic process is:

  1. add eventkit.framework , eventkitui.framework project. (see linking library or framework.)

  2. import header:

    #import <eventkitui/eventkitui.h> 
  3. if creating event, use :

    - (ibaction)didpresscreateeventbutton:(id)sender {     ekeventstore *store = [[ekeventstore alloc] init];      if([store respondstoselector:@selector(requestaccesstoentitytype:completion:)])     {         // ios 6         [store requestaccesstoentitytype:ekentitytypeevent                               completion:^(bool granted, nserror *error) {                                   if (granted)                                   {                                       dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{                                           [self createeventandpresentviewcontroller:store];                                       });                                   }                               }];     } else     {         // ios 5         [self createeventandpresentviewcontroller:store];     } }  - (void)createeventandpresentviewcontroller:(ekeventstore *)store {     ekevent *event = [self findorcreateevent:store];      ekeventeditviewcontroller *controller = [[ekeventeditviewcontroller alloc] init];     controller.event = event;     controller.eventstore = store;     controller.editviewdelegate = self;      [self presentviewcontroller:controller animated:yes completion:nil]; } 
  4. your view controller should conform ekeventeditviewdelegate protocol:

    @interface viewcontroller () <ekeventeditviewdelegate> 

    and implement didcompletewithaction method:

    - (void)eventeditviewcontroller:(ekeventeditviewcontroller *)controller didcompletewithaction:(ekeventeditviewaction)action {     [self dismissviewcontrolleranimated:yes completion:nil]; } 
  5. you can create event way want. example, looks event in next week appropriate title, , if doesn't find it, create new event (hour long event starts in 4 hours):

    - (ekevent *)findorcreateevent:(ekeventstore *)store {     nsstring *title = @"my event title";      // try find event      ekevent *event = [self findeventwithtitle:title ineventstore:store];      // if found, use      if (event)         return event;      // if not, let's create new event      event = [ekevent eventwitheventstore:store];      event.title = title;     event.notes = @"my event notes";     event.location = @"my event location";     event.calendar = [store defaultcalendarfornewevents];      nscalendar *calendar = [nscalendar currentcalendar];     nsdatecomponents *components = [[nsdatecomponents alloc] init];     components.hour = 4;     event.startdate = [calendar datebyaddingcomponents:components                                                 todate:[nsdate date]                                                options:0];     components.hour = 1;     event.enddate = [calendar datebyaddingcomponents:components                                               todate:event.startdate                                              options:0];      return event; }  - (ekevent *)findeventwithtitle:(nsstring *)title ineventstore:(ekeventstore *)store {     // appropriate calendar     nscalendar *calendar = [nscalendar currentcalendar];      // create start range date components     nsdatecomponents *onedayagocomponents = [[nsdatecomponents alloc] init];     onedayagocomponents.day = -1;     nsdate *onedayago = [calendar datebyaddingcomponents:onedayagocomponents                                                   todate:[nsdate date]                                                  options:0];      // create end range date components     nsdatecomponents *oneweekfromnowcomponents = [[nsdatecomponents alloc] init];     oneweekfromnowcomponents.day = 7;     nsdate *oneweekfromnow = [calendar datebyaddingcomponents:oneweekfromnowcomponents                                                        todate:[nsdate date]                                                       options:0];      // create predicate event store's instance method     nspredicate *predicate = [store predicateforeventswithstartdate:onedayago                                                             enddate:oneweekfromnow                                                           calendars:nil];      // fetch events match predicate     nsarray *events = [store eventsmatchingpredicate:predicate];      (ekevent *event in events)     {         if ([title isequaltostring:event.title])         {             return event;         }     }      return nil; } 


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