java - Access to non-static variable from static context -

this question has answer here:

i trying access boolean variable stay class montyhall cannot because non-static , trying access in static context here code:

public void updatestatistics(door door1, door door2, door door3) {     this.numgames = this.numgames + 1;     onedoor(door1, 0);     onedoor(door2, 1);     onedoor(door3, 2);      if (montyhall.stay == true){         this.numstay = this.numstay + 1;     }     else{         this.numswitch = this.numswitch + 1;     } } 

the variable stay located in class montyhall. appreciated confused how fix properties of class montyhall:

public class montyhall {   boolean stay;   door = new door("a");   door b = new door("b");   door c = new door("c");    public montyhall(door a, door b, door c){     this.a = a;     this.b = b;     this.c = c;   }} 

am trying access boolean variable stay class montyhall cannot because non-static , trying access in static context

everything clear now. variable stay instance variable belongs each individual object of class montyhall. shouldn't contemplate making static resolve error.

to access instance variable, need create object first. (since belongs particular object , not class):

montyhall hall = new montyhall(); hall.stay;    //access stay object of montyhall 

in rule of data protection , encapsulation, may consider making stay variable private , use getters , setters access it.

so if set stay private, access this:


last not least, java not have global variables. rather common misconception perceive class variables (static variables) global.


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