iphone - iPhone5 Button Placement using IF statement? -

i have game whereby button pause supposed on top right hand corner, on iphone 5 3/4 way top, tried manually set cannot work, works, on iphone 3 & 4 not show (so it's ignoring part of if statement)

ccmenuitemsprite* item1 = [ccmenuitemsprite itemwithnormalsprite:[ccsprite spritewithfile:[[maininfo shareinstance] getimagename:@"pause1.png"]]                                                       selectedsprite:[ccsprite spritewithfile:[[maininfo shareinstance] getimagename:@"pause2.png"]]                                                               target:self                                                             selector:@selector(soundoff)];      ccmenu *menu = [ccmenu menuwithitems:item1, nil];      if ( ![[maininfo shareinstance] isipad] )         menu.position = ccp(290, 450); //450 iphone3/4 //  else          if (is_iphone_5) {             // specific iphone 5             menu.position = ccp(290, 530); //450 iphone3/4          }else       menu.position = ccp(696, 960);      [_bottomframe addchild:menu z:30 tag:1234];      [self updateboard]; } 

at top of .m file have following;

#define is_iphone_5 ([uiscreen mainscreen].bounds.size.height == 568.0) 

could please correct way write code above?

many thanks


your else statment not enclosed in brackets furthoremore:

 cgsize screensize = [[uiscreen mainscreen] bounds].size; if (screensize.height > 480.0f) {     /*do iphone 5 stuff here.*/ } else {     /*do iphone classic stuff here.*/ } 


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