java - LWJGL Vertex and Fragment Shaders Wont Compile (Error CO206) -
i have been interested in learning opengl while. every time start working it, same error when compiling shaders. error code spits out.
0(1) : error c0206: invalid token "invalid atom 483265304" in version line
i have tried looking error , haven't found of anything... , nothing provided incite on how fix problem.
i not know c or c++ using lwjgl.
here code i'm using compile shaders:
private static int loadshader(string file, int type){ //system.out.println("loading shader."); stringbuilder shadersource = new stringbuilder(); try { bufferedreader reader = new bufferedreader(new filereader(file)); string line; while((line = reader.readline())!=null){ //system.out.println(line); shadersource.append(line).append("/n"); } reader.close(); //system.out.println("closed reader."); } catch (ioexception e) { system.err.println("could not read file!"); e.printstacktrace(); system.exit(-1); } //system.out.println("creating shader id..."); int shaderid = gl20.glcreateshader(type); //system.out.println("created shader id, compiling shader."); gl20.glshadersource(shaderid, shadersource); gl20.glcompileshader(shaderid); if (gl20.glgetshaderi(shaderid, gl20.gl_compile_status) == gl11.gl_false){ system.out.println(gl20.glgetshaderinfolog(shaderid, 500)); system.err.println("could not compile shader. location: " + file); system.exit(-1); } return shaderid; }
this vertex shader:
#version 400 core in vec3 position; out vec3 colour; void main(void){ gl_position = vec4(position, 1.0); colour = vec3(position.x+0.5, 1.0, position.y+0.5); }
and fragment shader:
#version 400 core in vec3 colour; out vec4 out_colour; void main(void){ out_colour = vec4(colour, 1.0); }
if reads this, in advance time.
basic typo - you're appending "/n" instead of "\n" when read in each line.
@nicol bolas makes point - there function files.readallbytes(path path), if use instead of re-implementing functionality less prone little bugs this.
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