objective c - property's synthesized getter follows cocoa naming convention for returning 'owned' objects -

i curious cocos2d have naming convention variable?

i have this

//.h nsmutablearray *newrowforcounter; 


//.m @synthesize newrowforcounter; 

and @ @synthesize it's warning "property's synthesized getter follows cocoa naming convention returning 'owned' objects" if change name else work fine.

i try out variable naming begin new- {ex newvariable...) it's still warn me that.


my gamma may bad sorry that

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thank quick answering – koko hl apinyanont apr 1 '13 @ 13:44
up vote 40 down vote accepted

new cannot used in variable name @ beginning. why shows error.

sol : declare property name begins new unless specify different getter:

// won't work: @property nsstring *newtitle;  // works: @property (getter=thenewtitle) nsstring *newtitle; 

explanations here , here

share|improve answer
thank didn't see that – koko hl apinyanont apr 1 '13 @ 13:44

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