javascript - HTML5 - building an iPad address bar magnifier with map area highlight -

i trying build example highlight multiple image map areas on html page ipad. idea similar magnifier feature notice when tap , hold mobile safari address bar. can pan magnifier around go particular character. trying leverage same user experience highlight image map "poly" areas. when pan magnifying glass, want scroll through areas highlighting them , making them active.

i thinking of using jquery maphighlight plugin alongwith css/js magnifier sample

the place i'm stuck actual scrolling between areas , highlighting them automatically.

i wondering if has done similar i'm trying achieve.

cheers! sameer

i couldn't quite conceptualise wanting, may in case.

use pseudo class :active in css , in tag add

in demo i've used css transform simulate zooming, replaced whatever want. think find pure css option faster javascript.

<body ontouchstart=""> 

css img:active { -webkit-transform:scale(2,2); }


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