android - Issue drawing custom item in a ListView -

i need create custom listview item textview , colored rectangle.

to have arrayadapter:

public class jobquicklistadapter extends arrayadapter<job>{      private int resource;      public jobquicklistadapter(context context, int resource, list<job> items) {         super(context, resource, items);         this.resource = resource;     }      @override     public view getview(int position, view convertview, viewgroup parent) {         jobtagview jobview;          job item = getitem(position);         string jobtitle = item.gettitle();          if (convertview == null) {             jobview = new jobtagview(getcontext());             string inflater = context.layout_inflater_service;             layoutinflater vi = (layoutinflater)getcontext().getsystemservice(inflater);             vi.inflate(resource, jobview, true);         } else {             jobview = (jobtagview) convertview;         }           jobview.setcolor(;           textview jobtitletext = (textview)jobview.findviewbyid(;         jobtitletext.settext(jobtitle);          return jobview;     } } 

and custom view extending linearlayout:

public class jobtagview extends linearlayout{      private paint paintorig;     private rectf originrect;     private boolean pathcreated;      private int color;      public jobtagview(context context) {         super(context);         initjobtag();     }      public jobtagview(context context, attributeset attrs) {         super(context, attrs);         initjobtag();     }      private void initjobtag(){         setwillnotdraw(false);          paintorig = new paint();         paintorig.setstyle(;          pathcreated = false;     }      @override     protected void onsizechanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {         super.onsizechanged(w, h, oldw, oldh);          if (!pathcreated){               float hr = h * 14 / 100;             float wr = w * 2 / 100;             originrect = new rectf(0, hr, wr, h - hr);              pathcreated = true;         }     }      @override     protected void ondraw(canvas canvas) {         super.ondraw(canvas);          canvas.drawrect(originrect, paintorig);     }       public int getcolor() {         return color;     }      public void setcolor(int color) {         paintorig.setcolor(color);         this.color = color;         this.invalidate();     } } 

and layout:

<com.sinplanb.jobsniffer.utils.jobtagview xmlns:android=""     xmlns:custom=""     android:orientation="vertical"     android:layout_width="fill_parent"     android:layout_height="fill_parent"     android:layout_margin="5dp"     android:background="@drawable/job_tab_search">     <textview android:id="@+id/jobitemtitle"         android:textisselectable="true"         android:layout_width="fill_parent"         android:layout_height="wrap_content"         android:lines="2"         android:textsize="16sp"/> </com.sinplanb.jobsniffer.utils.jobtagview> 

my problem comes when colored rectangle drawn, because rectangle seems drawn several times , small displacement each time. first black rectangle in right position , wrong blue rectangle (the 1 created after changing rectangle color --> jobview.setcolor( totally displaced.

what doing wrong? there tutorial drawing custom items in list view?


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