c++ - why would cin.fail() pass input=100a if 'input' is an int? -

int main(void) {    int valid_input();    int ll_input=0;    int resp;    hash_table obj;    int bucket;      while(1)    {       ll_input=valid_input();       if(ll_input>10)       {         break;       }       obj.insert(ll_input);     }    obj.print_ll();      return 0; }      int valid_input()  {   int input;   printf("\n\renter value: ");   std::cin >> input;   while(std::cin.fail())   {     std::cin.clear();     std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(),'\n');     printf("\n\rbad entry!\n\renter value: ");     std::cin>>input;   }   return input; } 

the above code, works correctly alphanumeric combinations, rejects user inputs a,10aa,1003abc, etc. however, on inputs 100a, 100b, etc, passes. reason this?

the following output in snapshot enter image description here

cin >> input stops reading finds non number, "100a" interpreted 2 tokens: "100" , "a".

"100" converted int , exits while(std::cin.fail()) loop. leaves "a" sitting in stream bedevil next read of cin.

the quick way catch this, (quick in terms of writing , explaining, not fastest execute if input error-prone)

std::string token; while (true) // or countdown kick out moronic {     cin >> token;     try     {         return std::stoi(token);     }     catch (...) // don't care why std::stoi failed     {     } } 

std::stoi documentation.

faster approaches, if errors expected, use strtol or similar , skip exception handling overhead.


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