ibm bluemix - What is the proper way to integrate server-side code with IBM's dialog api? -

i want integrate web application ibm's dialog api. basically, want send pure text result ibm dialog api, set in xml, , other times, such when user wants dynamic response, might involve me querying database find account balance, example. current thought include sort of syntax in dialog xml can parse know if response conversation requires me change it. thinking of like:

<input>     <grammar>         <item>what account balance?</item>     </grammar>     <output>         <prompt selectiontype="random">         <item>{action_getbalance}</item>         </prompt>     </output> </input> 

so if got response {action_***} take own action. appropriate way of doing this? there way might better?

this indeed recommended method

see example line 1358 on movie application demo dialog file provided on wdc git repo

<prompt selectiontype="random">    <item>"{search_now:"{search_now}", recency:"{recency_preference}", rating:"{certification_preference}", genre:"{genre_preference}", index:"{current_index}", page:"{page}"}"</item>  </prompt>


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