arrays - How to access the object in python? -

text_to_read = """{      "tts_type": "text",      "tts_input": "i hungry"  }""" 

my old code :

scriptpath = os.path.abspath(__file__) scriptpath = os.path.dirname(scriptpath) line = os.path.join(scriptpath, "input.txt") text_to_read["tts_input"] = line 

i trying access tts_input of text_to_read. think, making mistake. can 1 me , how access ?

i not able read 4 line of code , getting error : text_to_read[tts_input] = line attributeerror: 'str' object has no attribute 'tts_input'. can me ?

you need parse text_to_read object. can use python library json achieve that.

import json text_to_read = """{"tts_type": "text","tts_input": "i hungry"}""" text_to_read = json.loads(text_to_read) # rest of code text_to_read["tts_input"] = line 

of course, if text_to_read string defined in code (not pulled database or whatever, use modification @deleisha suggested). if need have string, json.loads() parse object.


since have bug in updated question, i'll update answer. in new code, have

text_to_read1 = json.loads(text_to_read) 

and later

text_to_read["tts_input"] = line 

what did saved object text_to_read1 , again tried pull "tts_input" property string. please, modify text_to_read1["tts_input"] = line

update 2

ok, so, if understand code correctly, request.add_json_parameter() should accept string data argument. in assignment text_to_read["tts_input"] = line wanted update original string. after should convert string again, json.dumps()

therefore, after line

text_to_read["tts_input"] = line 


text_to_read = json.dumps(text_to_read) 

update 3 (as answer comment)

you have change

line = os.path.join(scriptpath, "input.txt") text_to_read["tts_input"] = line 

to this

line = os.path.join(scriptpath, "input.txt") text_to_read["tts_input"] = open(line, "r").read() 

in order read contents of file.


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