c# - Selenium.NoSuchElementException with dynamic tables -

please me problem!

at moment, scraping website using selenium firefox driver in c#. data on website dynamically filled tables cover data concerning future dates.

while structure of table same both future , past dates, tables being updated during selenium call throw "nosuchelementexception" concerning iwebelements there.

these relevant copied xpaths tables. 1 past date, on works fine, , 1 on future date, on exception thrown. can see, identical.

xpath 18052015


xpath 05022016


using findelements(by.xpath(...)) function, use 2 foreach loops go through highlighted tr's , td's in xpath text in a[2] header. in both cases, dom in firefox firebug seems identical in both cases. difference have observed between 2 tables fact every few seconds, 1 concerning future date updates values (also resetting table when looked @ via firebug). here have relevant piece of code, important comment.

            foreach (var tr in table.findelements(by.xpath("div/table/tbody/tr")))             {                 foreach (var td in tr.findelements(by.xpath("td")))                 {                     if(td.getattribute("innerhtml").contains("some stuff"))                     {                         // part reached, condition satisfied. > x relevant value, assigned proper value when error thrown, still throws exception.                         x = td.findelement(by.xpath("div/a[2]")).getattribute("href").split('/')[4];                         bmid = getbookmakerid(bmname);                     }                     if(td.getattribute("class").contains("some other stuff"))                     {                      }                 } 

has of had similar problems before , able solve them?

could add wait every steps call findelement? see example below:

iwait<iwebelement> wait = new defaultwait<iwebelement>(table); wait.timeout = timespan.fromseconds(5); wait.pollinginterval = timespan.frommilliseconds(300); locator = by.xpath("div/table/tbody/tr"); readonlycollection<iwebelement> rows;  wait.until(e => e.findelements(locator).count > 0); rows = table.findelements(locator);   foreach (var tr in rows) {      wait = new defaultwait<iwebelement>(tr);     wait.timeout = timespan.fromseconds(5);     wait.pollinginterval = timespan.frommilliseconds(300);     locator = by.xpath("td");     readonlycollection<iwebelement> cells;      wait.until(e => e.findelements(locator).count > 0);     cells = tr.findelements(locator);      foreach (var td in cells)     {         if (td.getattribute("innerhtml").contains("some stuff"))         {             // part reached, condition satisfied. > x relevant value, assigned proper value when error thrown, still throws exception.             wait = new defaultwait<iwebelement>(td);             wait.timeout = timespan.fromseconds(5);             wait.pollinginterval = timespan.frommilliseconds(300);             locator = by.xpath("div/a[2]");             iwebelement link2;              wait.until(e => e.findelements(locator).count > 0);             try             {                 link2 = td.findelement(locator);             }             catch (nosuchelementexception ex)             {                 throw new nosuchelementexception("unable find element, locator: \"" + locator.tostring() + "\".");             }             x = link2.getattribute("href").split('/')[4];             bmid = getbookmakerid(bmname);         }         if (td.getattribute("class").contains("some other stuff"))         {          }     } } 

if still error, can debug test in visual studio easily.


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