c - Set Path Variable Permanently Using ShellExecuteEx -

i come code. execute correctly , return true. doesn't change path variable's value. when type --> setx path "c:\program files\java\jdk1.7.0_02\bin\" in cmd, works , change path value

here code

// prepare shellexecutinfo shellexecuteinfo shrun = {0}; shrun.cbsize = sizeof(shellexecuteinfo); shrun.fmask = see_mask_nocloseprocess; shrun.hwnd = null; shrun.lpverb =null; shrun.lpfile = "c:\\windows\\system32\\setx.exe"; shrun.lpparameters = "path \"\"\"c:\\program files\\java\\jdk1.7.0_02\\bin\\\"\"\""; shrun.lpdirectory =null; shrun.nshow = sw_shownormal; shrun.hinstapp = null;  // execute file parameters if(shellexecuteex(&shrun))     printf("done"); else     printf("no"); 

what problem here??

your quoting on arguments wrong. have many quotes. need write

shrun.lpparameters = "path \"c:\\program files\\java\\jdk1.7.0_02\\bin\\\""; 

to see version fail did following experiment @ console:

 c:\users\heff>setx path """c:\program files\java\jdk1.7.0_02\bin\""" error: invalid syntax. default option not allowed more '2' time(s). type "setx /?" usage. 

i note using see_mask_nocloseprocess. can wait on process handle returned. don't appear doing that. what's more, don't appear closing process handle responsibility when use see_mask_nocloseprocess.


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