Update Table View in iOS (Swift) -

i making cocktail ios application.

i adding strings tableview (an ingredient "cabinet"). user enters ingredient , presses button add. adds core data not appear right away. doing wrong?

below code, thanks!


import uikit import coredata  class cabinetviewcontroller: uiviewcontroller, uitextfielddelegate, uitableviewdatasource, uitableviewdelegate {      var ingredientarray = [string]()     var display = [string]()     var dbingredients = [string]()      let ingredientfetch = nsfetchrequest(entityname: "cabinet")     var fetchedingredient = [cabinet]()      @iboutlet weak var textui: uitextfield!     @iboutlet weak var button: uibutton!     @iboutlet weak var tableview: uitableview!      let moc = datacontroller().managedobjectcontext      override func viewdidload() {         super.viewdidload()          textui.delegate = self         textui.addtarget(self, action: "textfielddidchange:", forcontrolevents: uicontrolevents.editingchanged)          tableview.delegate = self         tableview.datasource = self         tableview.registerclass(uitableviewcell.self,             forcellreuseidentifier: "cell")          // fetch core data         do{             fetchedingredient = try moc.executefetchrequest(ingredientfetch) as! [cabinet]         } catch {             fatalerror()         }          let postendpoint: string = "http://www.thecocktaildb.com/api/json/v1/1/list.php?i=list"          guard let url = nsurl(string: postendpoint) else {             print("error: cannot create url")             return         }          let urlrequest = nsurlrequest(url: url)         let config = nsurlsessionconfiguration.defaultsessionconfiguration()         let session = nsurlsession(configuration: config)          let task = session.datataskwithrequest(urlrequest, completionhandler: { (data, response, error) in             guard let responsedata = data else {                 print("error: did not receive data")                 return             }             guard error == nil else {                 print("error calling on www.thecocktaildb.com")                 print(error)                 return             }              let post: nsdictionary             {                 post = try nsjsonserialization.jsonobjectwithdata(responsedata,                     options: []) as! nsdictionary             } catch  {                 print("error trying convert data json")                 return             }              var count = 1             if let drinks = post["drinks"] as? [nsdictionary] {                 drink in drinks {                     if let stringredient = drink["stringredient1"] as? string {                         print(string(count) + ". " + stringredient)                         self.dbingredients.append(stringredient)                         count++                     }                 }             }         })         task.resume()         tableview.reloaddata()     }      func textfielddidchange(textfield: uitextfield) {         search(self.textui.text!)     }      func textfield(textfield: uitextfield, shouldchangecharactersinrange range: nsrange, replacementstring string: string) -> bool {         button.addtarget(self, action: "buttonpressed:", forcontrolevents: .touchupinside)         return true     }      func buttonpressed(sender: uibutton!) {         //ingredientarray.append(textui.text!)          let entity = nsentitydescription.insertnewobjectforentityforname("cabinet", inmanagedobjectcontext: moc) as! cabinet         entity.setvalue(textui.text!, forkey: "ingredient")         do{             try moc.save()         }catch {             fatalerror("failure save context: \(error)")         }         showalertbuttontapped(button) //        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), { () -> void in //            self.tableview.reloaddata() //        })     }      @ibaction func showalertbuttontapped(sender: uibutton) {         // create alert         let alert = uialertcontroller(title: "added!", message: "you've added " + textui.text! + " cabinet", preferredstyle: uialertcontrollerstyle.alert)         // add action (button)         alert.addaction(uialertaction(title: "ok", style: uialertactionstyle.default, handler: nil))         // show alert         self.presentviewcontroller(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)     }      func search(str:string) {         display.removeall(keepcapacity: false)          s in dbingredients{             if s.hasprefix(str){                 display.append(s)                 print(s)             }         }     }      func tableview(tableview: uitableview,         numberofrowsinsection section: int) -> int {             return fetchedingredient.capacity     }      func tableview(tableview: uitableview, cellforrowatindexpath indexpath: nsindexpath) -> uitableviewcell {         let cell = tableview.dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier("cell", forindexpath: indexpath)         do{             let fetchedingredient = try moc.executefetchrequest(ingredientfetch) as! [cabinet]             cell.textlabel?.text = fetchedingredient[indexpath.row].ingredient         } catch {             fatalerror("bad things happened: \(error)")         }         return cell     }      func tableview(tableview: uitableview, didselectrowatindexpath indexpath: nsindexpath) {         tableview.deselectrowatindexpath(indexpath, animated: true)          let alert = uialertcontroller(title: "remove " + fetchedingredient[indexpath.row].ingredient!,             message: "no more " + fetchedingredient[indexpath.row].ingredient! + " in cabinet?",             preferredstyle: .alert)          let deleteaction = uialertaction(title: "remove",             style: .default,             handler: { (action:uialertaction) -> void in                 self.fetchedingredient.removeatindex(indexpath.row)                  do{                     let fetchedresults = try self.moc.executefetchrequest(self.ingredientfetch)                     if let result = fetchedresults[indexpath.row] as? nsmanagedobject {                         self.moc.deleteobject(result)                         try self.moc.save()                     }                 }catch{                     fatalerror()                 }         })          let cancelaction = uialertaction(title: "cancel",             style: .default) { (action: uialertaction) -> void in         }          alert.addaction(cancelaction)         alert.addaction(deleteaction)          presentviewcontroller(alert,             animated: true,             completion: nil)         tableview.reloaddata()     }       override func didreceivememorywarning() {         super.didreceivememorywarning()         // dispose of resources can recreated.     }       /*     // mark: - navigation     // in storyboard-based application, want little preparation before navigation     override func prepareforsegue(segue: uistoryboardsegue, sender: anyobject?) {     // new view controller using segue.destinationviewcontroller.     // pass selected object new view controller.     }     */ } 

since problem isn't core data need use table view beginupdates , endupdates insert row. @ end of buttonpressed function put this:

do{     fetchedingredient = try moc.executefetchrequest(ingredientfetch) as! [cabinet]     self.tableview.beginupdates()     let totalingredients = fetchedingredient.count     let newitemindexpath = nsindexpath(forrow: totalingredients-1, insection: 0)     self.tableview.insertrowsatindexpaths([newitemindexpath], withrowanimation: uitableviewrowanimation.automatic)     self.tableview.endupdates() } catch {     fatalerror() } 

on number of rows in section:

func tableview(tableview: uitableview, numberofrowsinsection section: int) -> int {     return fetchedingredient.count } 

and on cell row @ index path

func tableview(tableview: uitableview, cellforrowatindexpath indexpath: nsindexpath) -> uitableviewcell {     let cell = tableview.dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier("cell", forindexpath: indexpath)     cell.textlabel?.text = fetchedingredient[indexpath.row].ingredient     return cell } 


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