assembly - Modified 6502 Interrupt Returns -

i trying switch normal program flow while interrupt returns:

start     sei     ldx #<irq     ldy #>irq     stx $fffe     sty $ffff     cli  loop1     inc $d020     jmp loop1  loop2     inc $d021     jmp loop2  irq     sta savea+1     stx savex+1     sty savey+1      // routines      lda #$00     pha     lda #<loop2     pha     lda #>loop2     pha  savea        lda #$00 savex        ldx #$00 savey        ldy #$00     rti 

i wrote code accourding source:

enter image description here

but pha's cause crash, how switch normal flow loop1 loop2 in interrupt?

the simplest thing have 2 stack areas -- 1 every task. $100-$17f , $180-$1ff, example. then, have interrupt task switching code this:

  pha   txa   pha   tya   pha ;saving task's registers on stack,       ;where flags , pc saved       ;by entering interrupt    tsx   stx ... ;save task's stack position    ... ;select new task run/etc.    ldx ...   txs ;load other task's stack position    pla   tay   pla   tax   pla ;restore other task's registers    rti ;and continue other task  


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