kill process - how to force stop all checked application from list view in android programmatically -

in below given code want kill (forcestop) checked applications after restarting application it's showing name of these killed applications again.

i don't know if they're killed or not. why so?

kill.setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener()      {       @override      public void onclick(view v)       {                     //killing selected apps                       string savedapp;             int code = 0;             int count = lv.getadapter().getcount();              (int j = 0; j < count; j++)             {                 if (lv.isitemchecked(j))                 {                     intent ints = new intent(intent.action_main, null);                     ints.addcategory(intent.category_launcher);                      savedapp = lv.getitematposition(j).tostring();                     nm.removeall(nm);                     // this.l = getlistview();                     // l.setchoicemode(listview.choice_mode_multiple);                     packagemanager pm = getapplicationcontext().getpackagemanager();                      list<resolveinfo> intentlist = pm.queryintentactivities(ints, packagemanager.permission_granted);                      activitymanager am1 = (activitymanager) getsystemservice(context.activity_service);                      list<runningtaskinfo> processes = am1.getrunningtasks(integer.max_value);                      if (processes != null)                      {                         (int = 0; < processes.size(); i++) {                             string packagename = processes.get(i).topactivity                                     .getpackagename();                             runningtaskinfo temp = processes.get(i);                             try                             {                                 pname = (string) pm.getapplicationlabel(pm                                         .getapplicationinfo(packagename,                                                 packagemanager.get_meta_data));                             }                              catch (namenotfoundexception e)                              {                                 // todo auto-generated catch block                                 e.printstacktrace();                             }                         //  int f = 0;                             if (savedapp.equals(pname)) {                                 // finish(pm.);                                 code = intentlist.get(i).activityinfo                                         .hashcode();                                 finishactivity(code);                                  am1.killbackgroundprocesses(packagename);                                 am1.restartpackage(packagename);                                 android.os.process.killprocess(;                                  finishactivity(;                                  // toast.maketext(this, packagename,                                 // toast.length_short).show();                                 //f = 1;                             }                              else                              {                                 nm.add(pname.trim());                             }                          }                      }                 }             } } };//kill button close 


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