java - Wizard Component PrimeFaces Updating other variables -

i have 2 tabs. wizard component, when press 'next' button (from first tab), need populate list(with selectitem objects) , show these selectitems in selectonemenu tag in second tab. have finished entering data on first tab , press 'next' button, selectonemenu tag(on second tab) not have in it.

basically, need update next tab along processing of current tab. anyway this?

thanks in advance.

enter image description hereenter image description here

here code:

<p:wizard widgetvar="wiz" shownavbar="true" flowlistener="#{detentionform.onflowprocess}">                 <p:tab id="typeofleader" title="leader selection">                     <p:panel header="leader selection">                         <p:messages showsummary="true" showdetail="false"/>                         <p:panelgrid columns="2">                             #{msgs.typeofleaderpunishment}                             <p:selectonemenu value="#{detentionform.typeofleaderselectedid}" style="width:400px" panelstyle="width:150px" effect="fade">                                 <f:selectitems value="#{detentionform.teachertypes}" var="type" itemlabel="#{type.label}" itemvalue="#{type.value}" />                             </p:selectonemenu>                         </p:panelgrid>                      </p:panel>                 </p:tab>                 <p:tab id="typeofpunishment" title="punishment type">                     <p:panel header="type of punishment">                         <p:panelgrid columns="2">                             #{msgs.typeofdetention}                             <p:selectonemenu value="#{detentionform.typeofpunishment}" style="width:400px" panelstyle="width:150px" effect="fade" >                                 <f:selectitems value="#{detentionform.detentiontypes}" var="type" itemlabel="#{type.label}" itemvalue="#{type.value}" />                             </p:selectonemenu>                          </p:panelgrid>                      </p:panel>                 </p:tab>              </p:wizard> 

#{detentionform.detentiontypes} arraylist needs populated once press 'next' button second tab.

here backing bean:

@viewscoped @named("detentionform") public class detentionformbean implements serializable{     @resource(name="jdbc/detentioncentre")     private datasource ds;      private details details = (details) facescontext.getcurrentinstance().getexternalcontext().getsessionmap().get("userdetails");        private string typeofpunishment;     private string typeofleader = details.gettypeofleader(); //can change if user house leader. eg. can become teacher when making punishment     private int typeofleaderid; //id in database of teacher's type of leadership     private int typeofleaderselectedid = 1; //set default teacher house leader can teacher , normal teacher teacher!     private arraylist<selectitem> detentiontypes = new arraylist<selectitem>(); //selectitem objects shows punishments each teacher can     private arraylist<selectitem> teachertypes = new arraylist<selectitem>(); //selectitem objects shows type of leadership teacher can (teacher or house leader)       //gets data necessary database show on page     @postconstruct     public void initialize(){         this.settypeofleaderid(details.getusername()); //gets id database find out default type of leadership         this.findteachertypes(this.typeofleader);      }       public string onflowprocess(flowevent event) {  //change later backing >>>>>>>>>>>>>>             string steptogo = event.getnewstep();             if(steptogo.equals("typeofpunishment")){                 this.finddetentiontypes();              }         return steptogo;      }      //populates teachertype arraylist depending user's teacher type. house leader can teacher or house leader.     private void findteachertypes(string type) {         if(type.equals("house leadership team")){             this.teachertypes.add(new selectitem(integer.tostring(this.typeofleaderid), type)); //house leader 2             this.teachertypes.add(new selectitem(integer.tostring(this.typeofleaderid - 1), "teacher" )); //teacher 1         }else{ //type teacher             this.teachertypes.add(new selectitem(integer.tostring(this.typeofleaderid), type)); //teacher 1         }     }       //populates detentiontypes depending on type of leader     private void finddetentiontypes() {         system.out.println(">>>>inside finddetentiontypes()!!!");         preparedstatement ps;         connection con;         string sqlinitialdata = "select r.punishment_type, p.type detentioncentredb.tbl_teacher_roles_allowed_punishments r, detentioncentredb.tbl_punishment_types p r.teacher_roles = ? , = r.punishment_type";         resultset rs;          try {             con = ds.getconnection();             ps = con.preparestatement(sqlinitialdata);             ps.setstring(1, integer.tostring(this.typeofleaderselectedid));              rs = ps.executequery();             while({                 selectitem s = new selectitem(rs.getstring("punishment_type"), rs.getstring("type"));                 this.detentiontypes.add(s);             }             rs.close();             ps.close();             con.close();          } catch (sqlexception ex) {             logger.getlogger(detentionformbean.class.getname()).log(level.severe, null, ex);         }     }      //getter , setter methods      public string gettypeofpunishment() {         return typeofpunishment;     }      public void settypeofpunishment(string typeofpunishment) {         this.typeofpunishment = typeofpunishment;     }      public string gettypeofleader() {         return typeofleader;     }      public arraylist<selectitem> getdetentiontypes() {         return detentiontypes;     }      public arraylist<selectitem> getteachertypes() {         return teachertypes;     }      public int gettypeofleaderid() {         return typeofleaderid;     }      //gets typeofleader current user database. retrieves id of teacher's type of leadership. not teacher selected.     private void settypeofleaderid(int username){         preparedstatement ps;         connection con;         string sqltypeofleaderid = "select typeofleader detentioncentredb.tbl_teachers regnumber = ?";         resultset rs;         try {             con = ds.getconnection();             ps = con.preparestatement(sqltypeofleaderid);             ps.setint(1, username);             rs = ps.executequery();             while({                 this.typeofleaderid = rs.getint("typeofleader");             }             rs.close();             ps.close();             con.close();         } catch (sqlexception ex) {             logger.getlogger(detentionformbean.class.getname()).log(level.severe, null, ex);         }     }      public int gettypeofleaderselectedid() {         return typeofleaderselectedid;     }      public void settypeofleaderselectedid(int typeofleaderselectedid) {         this.typeofleaderselectedid = typeofleaderselectedid;     }   } 

you can use ajax notify server side stepping wizard. pf documentation:

if you’d notified on server side when wizard attempts go or forward, define flowlistener.

<p:wizard flowlistener="#{userwizard.handleflow}"> ... </p:wizard>  public string handleflow(flowevent event) {     string currentstepid = event.getcurrentstep();     string steptogo = event.getnextstep();     if(skip)         return "confirm";     else         return event.getnextstep();     } 

in case, need load detentiontypes array when steptogo reaches typeofpunishment, based on user has selected on first step of wizard:

public string handleflow(flowevent event) {     string steptogo = event.getnextstep();     if(steptogo.equals("typeofpunishment")){         detentiontypes = service.loaddetentiontypes(this.typeofleaderselectedid);     } } 


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