python - Filtering defaultdict on the base of value -
consider following default dict:
data = defaultdict(list) data['key1'] = [{'check': '', 'sth1_1':'k1', 'sth1_2':'k2'}] data['key2'] = [{'check': '0', 'sth2_1':'k3'}, {'check': 'asd', 'sth2_2':'k4'}, {'check':'1', 'sth2_3':'k5'}]
and on..
i filer out data
dictionaries (from data.values()) value 'check' != '1'
for given input above i'd expect:
defaultdict(<type 'list'>, {'key2': [{'sth2_3': 'k5', 'check': '1'}])
so far i've got:
for k, v in data.items(): print "k, v: ", k, v v[:] = [d d in v if d.get('check') == '1']
but gives me output unwanted 'key1': []
defaultdict(<type 'list'>, {'key2': [{'sth2_3': 'k5', 'check': '1'}], 'key1': []})
what best pythonic way solve that?
i think simple enough:
for k,v in data.items(): filtered_vals = list(filter(lambda i: i['check'] == '1', v) if len(filtered_vals): data[k] = filtered_vals else: del data[k]
or if you're insane:
data = {k:v k,v in { k:list(filter(lambda i: i['check'] == '1' ,v)) k, v in data.items()}.items() if len(v)}
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