How to track installs of mobile application with Facebook ADS in Windows Phone 8.1 C# -

  1. i've installed 'facebook sdk windows & windows phone' v. outercurve foundation through nuget , followed steps in docs:
  2. app registered on facebook (although when run tells me 'you haven't set mobile app platforms app. can add supported platforms in app settings.').
  3. i've added platform 'windows app' , filled in 'windows store sid'

now don't know next. how track installs? can't find in docs here regarding tracking of installs... not care facebook login , samples seem focus on using authentication , using user's account.

unfortunately, trying achieve not possible. facebook not consider windows (phone) applications mobile applications.

as can see here: there several references "apple app store" , "google play url". fact why continuously you haven't set mobile app platforms app. can add supported platforms in app settings.. if try add ios or android app dummy data, you'll see show up. there not 1 single reference windows applications.

in page: if in step 4, you'll instructions ios , android. there remark in point: desktop canvas apps: integrating facebook login facebook canvas, app launches , app installs logged automatically. other web apps: not support install tracking web apps not hosted on

you try find workaround, changing 'facebook sdk windows & windows phone' v. outercurve somehow, feature seems connected directly respective stores, , why not yet possible workaround in way.

i tried contact facebook on issue, (10 feb) still didn't response. update answer if have news them.


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