python - Socket-Management in Nginx with Flask - Why is Cross-Origin Request Blocked? -
i want create socket in flask-socketio through nginx , unicorn. following configuration works on localhost without nginx.
when access web application through nginx in chrome, error:
failed load resource: not connect server.
when access web application through nginx in firefox, error:
cross-origin request blocked: same origin policy disallows reading remote resource @ (reason: cors request failed).
this how initialize socket connection in javascript:
import io "" const socketurl = 'http://' + document.domain + ':6419' + '/flaskapp' const socket = io(socketurl); export default socket;
my nginx config file looks this:
server { listen 80; server_name; error_log /var/www/flaskapp/nginx_errorlog.log; access_log /var/www/flaskapp/nginx_accesslog.log; root /var/www/flaskapp; location / { proxy_pass; proxy_redirect off; proxy_buffering off; proxy_set_header host $host; proxy_set_header x-real-ip $remote_addr; proxy_set_header x-forwarded-for $remote_addr; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header connection "upgrade"; } location / { proxy_pass; proxy_buffering off; proxy_set_header x-real-ip $remote_addr; proxy_set_header x-forwarded-for $remote_addr; proxy_set_header host $host; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header connection "upgrade"; }
the gunicorn command used is:
gunicorn --worker-class eventlet -w 1 -b flask_app:application
i wrapped socket in flask application this.
from flask_app import application flask_socketio import socketio socketio = socketio(application)
why error via nginx not when connecting via localhost? how can access via nginx correctly?
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