javascript - Perform a single function on multiple object -

is possible perform single function on multiple objects e.g. grouping them. want like:

{object1, object2, object3}.tofront(); 

while you've accepted answer, possible in similar manner either natively through javascript 1.6/ecmascript 5th edition:

function logelementid(element, index, array) {     var el = array[index],         prop = el.textcontent ? 'textcontent' : 'innertext';     el[prop] =; }  [document.getelementbyid('one'), document.getelementbyid('two')].foreach(logelementid); 

js fiddle demo.

or extending object prototype:

function dostuff (el) {     console.log(el); };  object.prototype.actongroup = function(func){     var els = this.length ? : [this];     (var = 0, len = els.length; i<len; i++){         func(els[i]);     }     return this; };  document.getelementsbytagname('div').actongroup(dostuff); document.getelementbyid('one').actongroup(dostuff); 

js fiddle demo.

or by, similarly, extending array prototype:

function dostuff (el) {     console.log(el); }; array.prototype.actongroup = function(func){     var els = this.length ? : [this];     (var = 0, len = els.length; i<len; i++){         func(els[i]);     }     return this; };  [document.getelementbyid('one'), document.getelementbyid('two')].actongroup(dostuff); 

js fiddle demo.

incidentally, if you'd provide foreach() alternative users without (relatively) up-to-date javascript implementations, mozilla developer network page foreach() offers following '[an] algorithm 100% true ecma-262, 5th edition':

// production steps of ecma-262, edition 5, // reference: if (!array.prototype.foreach) {      array.prototype.foreach = function foreach(callback, thisarg) {          var t, k;          if (this == null) {             throw new typeerror("this null or not defined");         }          // 1. let o result of calling toobject passing |this| value argument.         var o = object(this);          // 2. let lenvalue result of calling internal method of o argument "length".         // 3. let len touint32(lenvalue).         var len = o.length >>> 0; // hack convert o.length uint32          // 4. if iscallable(callback) false, throw typeerror exception.         // see:         if ({} !== "[object function]") {             throw new typeerror(callback + " not function");         }          // 5. if thisarg supplied, let t thisarg; else let t undefined.         if (thisarg) {             t = thisarg;         }          // 6. let k 0         k = 0;          // 7. repeat, while k < len         while (k < len) {              var kvalue;              // a. let pk tostring(k).             //   implicit lhs operands of in operator             // b. let kpresent result of calling hasproperty internal method of o argument pk.             //   step can combined c             // c. if kpresent true,             if (, k)) {                  // i. let kvalue result of calling internal method of o argument pk.                 kvalue = o[k];                  // ii. call call internal method of callback t value ,                 // argument list containing kvalue, k, , o.       , kvalue, k, o);             }             // d. increase k 1.             k++;         }         // 8. return undefined     }; } 

copied verbatim, reference (below) mdn foreach() article; 01/04/2013, @ 14:30.



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