windows - How to delete Line feed on my lines -

i come ask help. have document created automatically. result of sql query.

an example of line line feed. word see that

"2k45.10 new";"arc ca 125 control";"4";"0";"8 640"; "2k45.23 new";"arc ca 125 reagent 400 tests ";"4";"0";"103 777" "2k45.28 new";"arc ca 125 reagent 100 test ";"4";"0";"27 113" "2k46.01";"arc anti tg calibrator ";"4";"0";"11 626" "2k46.10";"arc anti tg control";"4";"0";"8 483" "2k46.25";"arc anti tg rgt 100 test ";"4";"0";"26 872" 

if open nopad++

"2k45.10 new";"arc ca 125 control";"4";"0";"8 640";"boite";"";"taxe 39% cd 38220000000" "2k45.23 new";"arc ca 125 reagent 400 tests  ";"4";"0";"103 777" "2k45.28 new";"arc ca 125 reagent 100 test  ";"4";"0";"27 113" "2k46.01";"arc anti tg calibrator  ";"4";"0";"11 626" "2k46.10";"arc anti tg control";"4";"0";"8 483" "2k46.25";"arc anti tg rgt 100 test  ";"4";"0";"26 872" 

the problem in lines, there line feed , when run script, there or there of line feed me here cut line. below script use.

@echo off & cls  set "$c=1" setlocal enabledelayedexpansion  (for /f "delims=" %%a in (input.txt) (   if !$c!==1 (     set $l=%%a     set /a $c+=1     ) else (     echo !$l!%%a     set "$c=1"   ) ))>sortie.txt 

and result is

"2k45.23 new";"arc ca 125 reagent 400 tests ";"4";"0";"103 777"  "2k45.28 new";"arc ca 125 reagent 100 test ";"4";"0";"30 652"; "2k46.01"   ;"arc anti tg calibrator ";"4";"0";"11 626" "2k46.10"   ;"arc anti tg control";"4";"0";"8 483" "2k46.25";"arc anti tg rgt 100 test  ";"4";"0";"26 872";"2k47.01";"arc anti tpo calibrator 

i don't understand why, lines without lf, there more crlf

thank you bring me.

@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set "sourcedir=u:\sourcedir" set "filename1=%sourcedir%\q35165390.txt"  set "$c=1"  /f "usebackqdelims=" %%a in ("%filename1%") (   if !$c!==1 (     set $l=%%a     set /a $c+=1     ) else (     echo !$l!%%a     set "$c=1"   ) )  echo ==============  set "$c="  /f "usebackqdelims=" %%a in ("%filename1%") (  if defined $c (echo !line!%%a&set "$c="  ) else (   set "line=%%a"   set "line=!line:"=_#_!"   if "!line:~-3!"=="_#_" (echo %%a) else (set "$c=1"&set "line=%%a")  ) )  goto :eof 

the first part of batch code couple of small changes read data file named suit system.

given data show notepad++ version, result of running code is:

"2k45.10 new";"arc ca 125 control";"4";"0";"8 640";"boite";"";"taxe 39% cd 38220000000""2k45.23 new";"arc ca 125 reagent 400 tests  ";"4";"0";"103 777""2k45.28 new";"arc ca 125 reagent 100 test  ";"4";"0";"27 113""2k46.01";"arc anti tg calibrator  ";"4";"0";"11 626""2k46.10";"arc anti tg control";"4";"0";"8 483" "2k46.25";"arc anti tg rgt 100 test ";"4";"0";"26 872" ============== "2k45.10 new";"arc ca 125 control";"4";"0";"8 640";"boite";"";"taxe 39% cd 38220000000" "2k45.23 new";"arc ca 125 reagent 400 tests ";"4";"0";"103 777" "2k45.28 new";"arc ca 125 reagent 100 test ";"4";"0";"27 113" "2k46.01";"arc anti tg calibrator ";"4";"0";"11 626" "2k46.10";"arc anti tg control";"4";"0";"8 483" "2k46.25";"arc anti tg rgt 100 test ";"4";"0";"26 872" 

which means data seem contain characters interfering processing.

note word version not include "boite";"";"taxe 39% cd 38220000000" instance.

but output code not match output code (and output misses entire ...boite... line.)

so - somewhere getting word , notepad++ interpreting same data differently.

i use editplus, allows me see actual hex-codes in file. perhaps if examine file hex-editor, true file contents revealed.


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