php - Server Setup: How to get emails working -
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- how send email using php? 9 answers
i have vps running on ubuntu 14.04. apache, mysql , php installed , working fine.
the server used host website, has contact form. contact form getting variables users such email, subject , body (using post). message processed using php's standard mail() function.
well, working fine on old hosting provider, not anymore in "self-made" server.
i tried configuring sendmail , adding path php.ini, whithout success. i've tried using library phpmailer hoping use external smtp server without having configure local one. works fine (phpmailer great), long sender same identity user authenticated smtp server... never going happen such form sender different.
something apparently easy becoming headache now. question is... how form work, without having setup local mail server , without having limitation send emails 1 specific email address?
thanks lot in advance!
stupid question, vps provider give dedicated smtp server can use phpmailer (and others) with? example, use sitehost here in new zealand , permit vps users utilise internal smtp server. i'd surprised if folks such digitalocean (and whoever use) don't have similar.
fyi have had exact same problem (debian jessie though not ubuntu server) in past shared vps have, ended going postfix instead. "just running" took surprisingly little effort when installed apt-get
. understand risks inherent in managing own email-exchange server - i'm guessing do, given you've gone down vps route :-)
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