vb.net - parsing database columns and values to MySQL statement in module -
i'm trying create dynamic mysql insert into...where not exist
statement parsing table name, array of columns, array of values , conditional column , value subroutine in separate module keep hitting column count doesn't match value count @ row 1
error. below code:
sub insertrecord(byval tbl string, byval cols() string, byval params() string, _ byval colcondition string, byval paramcondition string) 'as string 'create new string of columns dim mycols string = "" each col string in cols mycols &= col & ", " next dim newcols string = mycols.remove(mycols.count - 2, 2) msgbox(newcols) dim scols string = newcols.insert(0, "`").replace(", ", "`, `") & "`" msgbox(scols) 'create new string of parameters dim myparams string = "" each param in params myparams &= param & ", " next dim newparams string = myparams.remove(myparams.count - 2, 2) msgbox(newparams) dim sparams string = newparams.insert(0, "'").replace(", ", "', '") & "'" msgbox(sparams) 'end dim p string = paramcondition.insert(0, "'") & "'" 'try 'dim insremarks string = "done" con = new mysqlconnection("server=localhost; database=etms; uid=root; pwd=;") coma = new mysqlcommand 'insert new record. 'this gives error coma.commandtext = "insert " & tbl & " (" & scols & ") select * (select @params) tmp " coma.commandtext &= "where not exists (select " & colcondition & " " & tbl & " " & colcondition & " = @param) limit 1" coma.parameters.addwithvalue("@param", p) coma.parameters.addwithvalue("@params", sparams) 'this static code works fine. 'coma.commandtext = "insert state (`st_state`, `ctry_id`) select * (select 'a', '1') tmp " 'coma.commandtext &= "where not exists (select st_state state st_state = 'a') limit 1" coma.connection = con con.open() coma.executenonquery() con.close() 'release used components coma.parameters.clear() coma.dispose() coma = nothing con = nothing msgbox("done.") 'return insremarks 'catch ex exception 'msgbox(ex.message.tostring & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & coma.commandtext.tostring) 'return "error" 'end try end sub
as seen, tried lot of permutations (introducing inverted quotation marks) no avail.
i'll glad if out.
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