django - i can't posting data from view to another view using reverse and HttpResponseRedirect? -

i'm trying sending data submitted form view in app

class filterform(forms.form):     currency = forms.choicefield(choices=currency_choices)     continent = forms.choicefield(choices=select_continent())        country = forms.choicefield(choices=select_country())

view #1

def filtrer(request):     if request.method == 'post':         form = filterform(         if form.is_valid():             currency = form.cleaned_data['currency']             continent = form.cleaned_data['continent']             country = form.cleaned_data['country']             url = reverse('affiche_filter', args=(), kwargs={'continent':continent,'country':country,'currency':currency})             return httpresponseredirect(url)     else:         form =filterform()     return render_to_response('filter.html', {'form': form }, requestcontext(request)) 


def affiche_filter(request,continent, country,currency):      data = select_where(continent, country, currency)     symbol = convertsymbol(currency)        return render_to_response('affiche_continent.html', {'data': data,'symbol':symbol }, requestcontext(request))

urlpatterns = patterns('myform.views',                                         url(r'^filtrer$', 'filtrer'),                        url(r'^affiche_filter/(?p<continent>[-\w]+)/(?p<country>[-\w]+)/(?p<currency>[-\w]+)/$', 'affiche_filter', name='affiche_filter'), 

seems method "form.cleaned_data" return key of selected value in choicefield not the value got after submitted form

this error showed because third parameter(here is'0') calculating rate should usd or euro not '0'


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