r - Factor dropdown filter in DT::datatable in shiny dashboards not working -

is me or bug if have factor column , add filter dt, dropdown cut-off in shiny dashboard.

i using mtcars example , make cyl factor. (the numeric slider filter works fine, factor filter dont). here code , screen shot.

## app.r ## library(shinydashboard) library(dplyr)   mtcars$cyl <- as.factor(mtcars$cyl)  ui <- dashboardpage(   dashboardheader(title = "simple dashboard"),   ## sidebar content   dashboardsidebar(sidebarmenu(     menuitem(       "dashboard", tabname = "dashboard", icon = icon("dashboard")     ),     menuitem("widgets", tabname = "widgets", icon = icon("th"))   )),   ## body content   dashboardbody(tabitems(     # first tab content     tabitem(tabname = "dashboard",             fluidrow(               box(plotoutput("plot1", height = 250)),                box(                 title = "controls",                 sliderinput("slider", "number of observations:", 1, 100, 50)               )             )),      # second tab content     tabitem(tabname = "widgets",             fluidrow(dt::datatableoutput('items_dt')))   )) )  server <- function(input, output) {   set.seed(122)   histdata <- rnorm(500)    output$plot1 <- renderplot({     data <- histdata\[seq_len(input$slider)\]     hist(data)   })    output$items_dt = dt::renderdatatable(     mtcars,     filter = 'bottom',     options = list(scrollx = true)   ) }  shinyapp(ui, server) 

factor filters cut-off

numeric sliders work fine

i've had better luck dropdowns not doing scrollx or scrolly - , putting filters @ top.



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