html - Jquery on ready function not doing anything -

following tutorial uses jquery document ready function can't bit work or anything. threw in alert , won't trigger idea i'm doing wrong? thanks.

<html> <head> <title>coulthard</title> <link rel=stylesheet href="blanket.css" type="text/css" media=screen> <script src=""></script>  <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { alert("works"); $("#slideshow").css("overflow", "hidden"); $("#slideshownav").css("visibility", "visible"); $("#slideshownav a[href=#image1]".addclass("active");    $("#slideshownav").localscroll({ target:'#slideshow', axis: 'x' });  $("#slideshownav a").click(function(){     $("#slideshownav a").removeclass("active");     $(this).addclass("active");     });  }); </script> 

there closing braket missing, after a[href=#image1].


`$("#slideshownav a[href=#image1]".addclass("active");`  


`$("#slideshownav a[href=#image1]").addclass("active");` 

and should see alert.

ps: using outdated version of jquery. please forward use current version 1.9.1 on new projects.


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