javascript - AngularJS + Jasmine Unit Test: How to make an angular.constant visible inside the angular.forEach()? -

how make angular.constant visible inside angular.foreach()?

in below sample, angular.constant accessible in parent , child describe blocks. trying optimize code, using hash , looping through run tests, started using angularjs.foreach(). but, appears that, angular.constant not visible inside angular.foreach(). idea why constant not accessible (while service is) inside angular.foreach()?

describe("utilsservice:", function(){      beforeeach(module('utilsservice'));      var kib;     var gib;     beforeeach(inject(function(_kib_){           kib = _kib_;     }));     beforeeach(inject(function(_gib_){           gib = _gib_;     }));      var utilsservice;     beforeeach(inject(function(_utilsservice_){           utilsservice = _utilsservice_;     }));       describe('constant values', function() {  /* below test works fine */         it("kib constant in describe", function(){             console.log("kib value " + kib);             expect(kib).toequal(1024);         });          tests = {           'kib value': {             'inputs': {               'constant': kib             },             'expected': {               'value': 1024             }           },           'gib value': {             'inputs': {               'constant': gib             },             'expected': {               'value': 1024 * 1024             }           }         }          angular.foreach(tests, function(t_hash, t_name){            var val = t_hash.inputs.constant;           var exp_val = t_hash.expected.value;  /* below test failing */           it(t_name, function(){               console.log("tc: " + test_api_name + " " + t_name );               expect(val).toequal(exp_val);           })         });      }); 

note: call service functions (like below comparesize()) working fine.

describe('comparesize()', function() {     test_api_name = 'comparesize()';     tests = {       'size1 greater size2': {         'inputs': {           'size1_unit': '2 tb',           'size2_unit': '2048 kb'         },         'expected': {           'return': 1         }       },        'float size1 greater int size2': {         'inputs': {           'size1_unit': '1.50 tb',           'size2_unit': '1 tb'         },         'expected': {           'return': 1         }       }     }      angular.foreach(tests, function(t_hash, t_name){       var size1_unit = t_hash.inputs.size1_unit;       var size2_unit = t_hash.inputs.size2_unit;       var exp_ret = t_hash.expected.return;        it(t_name, function(){           console.log("tc: " + test_api_name + " " + t_name );           var ret = utilsservice.comparesize(size1_unit, size2_unit);           expect(ret).toequal(exp_ret);       })     }); 

i think problem (problem 1) beforeeach() called before each it(), when define "tests" "out" of it() , kib/gib undefined.
(you can verify order of calls using console.log)
can solve putting instantiation of tests inside beforeeach()
and putting foreach loop it().

    var kib;     var gib;     var tests;         beforeeach(function(inject(_kib_, _gib_) ){  console.log("set kib , gib");         kib = _kib_;         gib = _gib_;  console.log("define tests");         tests = tests || {           'kib value': {             'inputs': {               'constant': kib             },             'expected': {               'value': 1024             }           },           'gib value': {             'inputs': {               'constant': gib             },             'expected': {               'value': 1024 * 1024             }           }         }                   }); 

but want suggest different way test constants:

  describe("constant values:", function(){                 it("kib value should 1024", function(){            expect(kib).toequal(1024);                   });         it("gib value should 1024*1024", function(){            expect(gib).toequal(1024*1024);                   });      }); 

.. or more punctual:

describe("constant: kib", function(){     var kib;     beforeeach(inject(function(_kib_){         kib = _kib_;     }));     it("its value should 1024", function(){         expect(kib).toequal(1024);     });         });    describe("constant: gib", function(){     var gib;     beforeeach(inject(function(_gib_){         gib = _gib_;     }));     it("its value should 1024*1024", function(){         expect(gib).toequal(1024*1024);     });         });  

honestly, think these right tests do, but, in case if/when "problem 1" (definition of kib/gib out of it()) solved way job:

describe("constants defined", function(){        [            { name: "kib value should 1024", value: kib, expectedvalue: 1024 },             { name: "gib value should 1024*1024", value: gib, expectedvalue: 1024*1024 }        ]        .foreach(function(test){            it(, function(){                expect(test.value).toequal(test.expectedvalue);                            })        });      }); 



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