boost - How to compile Autodock Vina in Visual Studio? -

i'm trying compile autodock vina on visual studio , having trouble figuring out how that. thankful if can guide me through process!

please follow bellow instructions:

1- download boos 1.41.0 following link:

autodock vina compatible boost 1.41.0

2- extract zip file in computer:

  • go boost directory , open cmd , run following command: bootstrap.bat

  • after finish previous step, run following commands based on os:

  • 32 bit: bjam --toolset=msvc-10.0 --build-type=complete stage
  • 64 bit: bjam --toolset=msvc-10.0 --build-type=complete architecture=x86 address-model=64 stage step takes time! (for me 45 min).

3- download autodock vina following link:

4- extract folder on machine.

5- now, boost installed on machine , have vina code. should configure vs 2010 use it.

you can find vs configuration in google site bellow:

hope you!


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