optimize the performance of informix stored procudure in asp.net application? -
i want know how use equivalent : set arithabort on and with recompile option in informix stored procedure ? set arithabort on sql server manual says : terminates query when overflow or divide-by-zero error occurs during query execution. at informix , default, error occurred during execution of udr/sp (procedure or function) trigger exception , automatically raised @ user session level. include arithmetic error. what can inside of spls inverse , include treatment not allow exception reach scope of user session. read on exception with recompile option sql server manual says : creating stored procedure specifies recompile option in definition indicates sql server not cache plan stored procedure; stored procedure recompiled each time executed. use recompile option when stored procedures take parameters values differ between executions of stored procedure, resulting in different execution plans created each time. use of option unco...